What is it?
Approximately once a month, we volunteer for Kids on Bikes at the Pedal Station to help fix up bikes, disassemble bikes, etc.
No bike maintenance skills required! Pedal Station will have a mechanic on hand to tell us what needs to be done and to help teach and guide us. There are always things to do that are less technical like disassembling bikes, sorting parts, or even test riding a repaired bike. We can pair you with someone else to assist and learn. If you are an experienced “wrench” – we can learn from you, too!
About Kids on Bikes
Kids on Bikes is a wonderful nonprofit: through their programs, they provide free or inexpensive bikes to children, conduct riding camps, provide helmets and locks, and much more. Help SoCoVelo promote cycling where it starts – in supporting the joy of children learning the freedom and responsibilities of riding a bike!